Enhance the Accuracy of Well-Bore Placement: We have combined decades of experience in working with data collected by satellites, ground stations, aircraft, and ships. We are happy to discuss a client’s unique needs and develop tailor-made solutions to solve their problems.
We have combined decades of experience in working with data collected by satellites, ground stations, aircraft, and ships. We are happy to discuss a client’s unique needs and develop tailor-made solutions to solve their problems.

IFR In-Field Referencing
In-Field Referencing (IFR) is the determination of magnetic field values (typically declination, dip angle, and total field) in three…

Virtual Observatory
VirtualOBS combines a global model which provides the large-scale behavior of the external magnetic field to..

Scientific Consulting and Data Analysis
Flatirons employs personnel with expertise in all areas of scientific computing and data analysis. We routinely…